Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Who is a complete person? Someone in whom the human attributes are found in abundance. He embodies these attributes to the fullest. Such a person is emotionally balanced and free from psychological complexes. His conscience prevails over his ego in all situations and is an emblem of a soul at peace. (THE QURAN 89:27)

A complete person goes beyond the materialistic world, lives in the higher realms of life. Rising above the superficial, he engages himself in matters of deeper significance. He reaches the stage of perception described in a Hadith as the ability to “see things as they are” rather than as they appear to be. He willingly concedes a reasoned argument. He judges matters objectively with no subjective bias. Despite having great capabilities, he develops modesty in himself. He is totally free from negative emotion. He relates to people evenly, be they ‘friend’ and ‘stranger’. He is completely above personal interests. He lives by the higher principles of life.

A complete person lets his conscience prevail over his ego in every situation, until he becomes an emblem of a soul at peace.

All human beings were created as potentially complete persons. To turn this potential ‘completeness’ into a character reality, is left to each person. A verse in the Quran speaks of this reality: “We have indeed created man in the best of mould, then We cast him down as the lowest of the low” (95:4-5). According to this verse, man is born with great potential referred to as the 'best of mould' but becomes a case of the 'lowest of the low' in this imperfect world. Only his own conscious effort can make him realize his potential to become a complete person worthy of inhabiting Paradise.

The secret of becoming a complete person lies in inculcating a sense of deep God-consciousness. It is the fear of God makes one a complete person. There is no other way.

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