In the book The Creation Plan of God, the author Maulana Wahiduddin Khan points out that the famous historian, Edward Gibbon, observed, “Human History is little more than a register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.” Other historians and thinkers have also arrived at similar conclusions. The reason for this pessimistic view of history does not lie in history itself, but in our flawed approach to the subject. Our criterion to study history is not the correct one, for it has been formulated by human beings. The only valid criterion, in the light of which we should study human history, is that which has been laid down by our Creator. The right way to understand this matter is, therefore, to discover the creation plan of the Creator and then attempt to study history within its framework. The present book attempts to do just that and understand man’s life based on the creation plan of God. Knowledge of this is essential for man to plan his life so that he succeeds in this world and the next.

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