A verse in the Quran states: “Surely, with every hardship there is ease.” (94:5) This means if we face a difficulty or problem, we must not begin to fight or clash with others. The difficulty we are encountering will remain only for a temporary period. So, one must peacefully make one’s plan of work rather than react or become provocative. This principle is meant for all human beings. We have an example of this principle in the histories of Germany and Japan.

Germany lost one-third of its land after WWII. It then began its economic planning on the basis of the land that had remained with it and later on emerged very successful. This line of action adopted by Germany was very much an Islamic principle similar to the one stated in the above Quranic verse.

The Prophet Muhammad too in his lifetime had to let go of his hometown Makkah and had to migrate to Madinah. Though he had lost Makkah, he still had Madinah as a place to carry forward his mission. The Prophet then planned on the basis of Madinah and not of Makkah. These principles of success are mentioned in the Quran.

The universal approach of the Quran wherein the laws of nature are mentioned is the factor which justifies the work of making it accessible to entire mankind.




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