According to the Quran, the message addressed to humanity by each of the prophets in turn did not vary. It remained in essence the same, namely, that there was only one God and that the people must worship Him alone. (7:59)

What is the meaning of ‘one God’? It means that, of all beings, He is the greatest, and should, therefore, be the object of man’s awe. Indeed, if man ponders over God’s creation, he will be thrilled to the very core of his being. Such an experience necessarily generates a sense of sanctity, this being attributable to something, which is mysteriously great, which is above and beyond human imagination. This feeling finds expression in worship. That is when man surrenders himself to that Great Power. For him, God is the one and only God. There is no deity save Him, nor is there any partner in His godhead.

Belief in the true God is the source of all virtue: belief in false gods is the source of all evil.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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