Enmity is not Permanent

There can be no doubt that Islam, in essence, is the discovery of such divine guidance as shows man the path to lasting success in the Hereafter. Scientific and industrial developments may not be directly related to the aims and objectives of Islam, but it is nevertheless an indisputable fact that they are significant offshoots of the Islamic revolution. Had the Islamic revolution never seen the light of day, scientific and industrial developments remained unrealised. The primary purpose of a tree is to bear fruit. However, when it is fully grown, it also gives man shade. The same is the case with Islam. The primary purpose of Islam is to open the door of divine guidance for human beings to come closer to their Lord. However, Islam is a complete truth. Moreover, when such truth reveals itself, it becomes the source of all blessings for humanity—directly and indirectly¬- but it also gives guidance, which is of great practical utility. The present era, which we think of as modern and advanced—the age of science and industry, freedom and equality—is a direct consequence of this aspect of the Islamic revolution, which is called a blessing in the Quran. Like most other significant historical developments, this period gradually culminated over almost a thousand years.

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You should never feel frustrated while doing dawah work. You should always be hopeful. A dayee is always optimist and never a pessimist. A definition of a dayee is that he is an optimist. He is never a pessimist. One who is a pessimist is not a dayee. Why? I will make two points: pessimism goes against human nature. Why? If you see that a person is not ready to accept your message, you should know that he is not a stone.  Since he is not a stone, he can change any moment. A stone doesn’t change, but a human being changes every moment. This is why, the Quran says: 
Copy Arabic text (16:125) Discuss with them in a good way. Convey the message to them in a courteous way. If they speak in a bad way, you should respond in a nice way. 
What happens when you speak nicely to those who speak badly?
Copy Arabic text (41:34)  One who appeared to you as an enemy will become your dearest friend. 
What does this mean?
Your enemy will become your friend. What does this mean? Every enemy is potentially your friend, so turn this potential into actual. Your enemy is not an enemy by nature. Enmity is not part of his nature. His enmity is superficial. You should speak to him nicely and make him your friend. The Quran says that you have to turn this potential into actual. This is a very hopeful matter. A dayee should have no reason to be pessimistic. The Quran tells us that about the people to whom you have to convey God's message: you can convert their enmity into friendship. This is a law of nature. 

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