Man's Place in The Universe

The British philosopher Julian Huxley in 1941 published a book, Man Stands Alone. In response the American scientist A. Cressy Morrison wrote a book in 1964 entitled, Man Does Not Stand Alone. These were not just two books, rather they symbolized a very important fact. That is, in the quest for an explanation to the unexplained world, the era of reason has come to an end and we are in the age where revelation is our only resort. The solution lies only in divine revelation. The Quran is an authentic book of revelation. The Quran declares a fact in these words: “You (man) have been granted but little knowledge.” (THE QURAN 17: 85) With reference to the present problem, it means that man’s mind can understand the things of this limited world. However, apart from this limited world, there also exists an unlimited world the understanding of which is beyond human capacity.

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