Violence: The Second Forbidden Tree

This Quranic description tells us what the Creation Plan of God with regard to man is. Man was created as a free creature. He was free to do as he pleased, but there was a condition. The condition was that he should refrain from wrongdoing. The forbidden tree of paradise was a symbol of ‘wrongs’. Anyone who follows this guidance and saves himself from wrongdoings, will be awarded paradise for good. And one who disobeys this direction and indulges in wrongdoings will be ousted from paradise. He will be deprived of paradise forever.

What does it mean to stray? To stray is to act contrary to nature. Inherent in everyone is the ability to discriminate between right and wrong, through the divine agency that we call our conscience. Those who follow the voice of conscience will return to paradise, and those who ignore the voice of their conscience will be deprived of paradise forever.

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