Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

The Sunday Guardian | February 11, 2023

Anger is the major reason for relationships going sour. Anger stokes a quarrel which then begets hatred. And hatred eventually leads to evil. In any relationship, ninety per cent of the trouble starts due to anger. Anger is a natural phenomenon. The only solution to anger is to control it.

Anger in itself is not an evil. It is evil when one fails to control it and it spoils the lives of others.

Rage is nothing but a temporary provocation, which is an undesirable reaction. It is like a fire which flares up for a short duration and then dies down on its own if it is given no further fuel. If people realized this, anger would not result in any serious disharmony.

Anger is similar to a fire in an individual’s mind. An unpleasant word or experience can instigate this fire and make it flare up suddenly. However, the duration of this fire is very short. So, when we are angry, it would be wise to hold our tongues or divert our minds and wait for this temporary fire to subside. Once the fire has died out, we will return to normalcy again. It is important to control the anger, so that the flare- up is controlled.

Source: The Secret of a Successful Family Life

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