Taking Maulana’s Legacy Forward
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan passed away on April 21, 2021, in New Delhi, India. Although Maulana is no longer with us physically, his legacy continues. He left with us, on the one hand, a treasure-house of wisdom in the form of literature and digital media content presenting Islam in the modern idiom and on the other hand, a well-established mission through the CPS Global Network to take this literature and digital media content to the world. Having complete faith in God, CPS Global Network is taking this legacy forward.

Networking for Peace
CPS International has put into place a systematic network to take the universal message of the Quran and Islam in a contemporary style to all humanity. The team of Islamic Scholars is engaging in scholarship, reforming individuals, conveying the Divine Message, and supporting the CPS and Goodword Teams. The Ambassadors of Peace worldwide with the CPS Teams in the USA, UAE, Singapore, New Zealand, UK, and Africa, as well as CPS Chapters in the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western regions of India, and the Quran Distribution Centres are working unitedly with CPS Delhi and Goodword to distribute the Quran and Islamic literature.

Learning, Connecting, and Volunteering
Following the maxim of ‘Ladies First’, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan advised women to avail of the numerous opportunities the age has to offer, to perform pivotal roles in CPS. CPS Women e-Platform was launched in March 2020 under the specific guidance of Maulana. Through guided study of Maulana’s literature and talks and interactions, the platform helps women to connect with their Creator, understand His Creation Plan; and prepare themselves to perform their God-given roles. CPS Women have dedicated themselves to the mission, and volunteer for various activities.

Learning, Sharing, and Peaceful Activism
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan was of the firm view that youth is a great force for positive activism in society. The universal approach in Maulana’s literature and talks address contemporary mindsets especially that of the youth as they are relatively free from conditioning. The study of Maulana’s literature and talks helps to re-engineer the minds of the youth on God-oriented lines, as they are in a position to view things objectively. Being energetic, they want to do something revolutionary. CPS provides them with plentiful opportunities. Many of them become CPS AoPs, and dedicate themselves to the mission.

Re-engineering Minds on God-Oriented Lines
CPS Weekly Spiritual Sessions are continuing to guide people through the efforts of Prof. Farida Khanam, Dr. Saniyasnain Khan, and Dr. Rajat Malhotra. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan started Weekly CPS Spiritual Sessions in January 2001. The universal approach in Maulana’s books addressed people’s minds, and the interactions in the spiritual sessions helped them to clear their doubts. This helped re-engineer the minds of individuals to prepare a team of CPS Ambassadors of Peace. All of Maulana’s books and videos are available to all.

Presenting Islam as a Living Force
Al-Risala magazine in Urdu-Hindi is continuing to help people rediscover Islam, reminding them of their responsibility of calling people to God, and helping them fulfill it. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan launched Al-Risala magazine in Urdu as the voice of the mission in 1976. Al-Risala was relaunched in Hindi in May 2021. Anyone who wants to understand Islam in the modern idiom only needs to read Al-Risala. Al-Risala Urdu, Urdu-Hindi, and Hindi continue to be published today, both in print and online formats. The magazine presents Islam in contemporary style, as a living force. We invite you to read Al-Risala.

Ushering in an Intellectual Revolution in Individuals
Spirit of Islam Journal in English is continuing to re-engineer people’s minds on God-oriented lines and helping them in the spiritual journey from this life to the Hereafter. The magazine aims to usher in an intellectual revolution in individuals by re-engineering their minds on God-oriented lines so that they become dutiful and peaceful members of society. Reading and listening to the pages in the magazine, one discovers the true face of Islam and embarks on a spiritual journey to discover one’s Creator, connect with him, and find answers to questions pertaining to the ideology of life.

Opportunities Activism, Duty-Consciousness
CPS Peace Programs are helping people study the material of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan to re-engineer their minds on God-oriented and duty-conscious lines. The root cause of conflicts in the world is rights-consciousness in people. When one becomes realistic and duty-conscious, he sees opportunities instead of problems. Then he strives to avail them through wise planning. As a result, he will certainly receive more than his rights. CPS Peace Programs re-engineer the minds of people on God-oriented and duty-conscious lines.

Translating the Quran and Islamic Literature
Goodword Books and CPS AoPs are facilitating the translations, e-publishing, printing, and distribution of the Quran, Tazkirul Quran Commentary, and Islamic literature in all languages. The Quran English (pub. 2009) has received worldwide acceptance. Quran translations are now available in more than 40 International and Indian languages. Tazkirul Quran Commentary is available in English, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, and Thai. Maulana’s books presently comprise of more than 200 books. New books are being translated into English, and many Indian and International languages.

Taking God's Message into Every Home
CPS Multimedia, AI Technology aims to digitize, package, and archive, Maulana’s literature and talks. Then using technology and Artificial Intelligence we are striving to the divine message to the world. A systematic methodology has been put into place to preserve the material in text, video, audio, and other formats. CPS Delhi is editing media content: videos, audios, and podcasts, and disseminating them through various social media platforms. Everyone wanting to know Islam must read, watch and listen to this storehouse of wisdom on www.cpsglobal.org.

Distributing a Quran Every Minute
Goodword and CPS AoPs are distributing copies of the Quran and Islamic literature worldwide. We are distributing them at book fairs, and arranging for their free distribution at tourist attractions, heritage sites, malls, shops, mosques, cultural exchanges, hotels, libraries, educational institutions, etc. More than 7 million Quran copies and 11 million Islamic materials have been distributed. In fact a copy of the Quran is being distributed every minute through the CPS Network.

Taking the Quran to the World
CPS International has become a focal point for networking to present the peaceful message of the Quran through its translations, commentaries, and Islamic literature in contemporary idiom and style. The network comprises CPS International, New Delhi; CPS Chapters in India and Internationally; CPS Team of Islamic Scholars; Quran Distribution Centres; Ambassadors of Peace worldwide; and affiliate organizations. Together the team is working cohesively to take the universal message of Islam to the world.