Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | June 6, 2016, p. 12The world of nature is characterized by its equilibriums. Human society must acquire the same equilibrium if it is to function smoothly. There are many ways in which God maintains the equilibrium of nature. One of these ways is diversion; that is, the channelling off of a force that has reached excessive proportions. Think of the amount of rain that falls in the rainy season. Immense damage would be done if it were to remain in cultivated and populated areas. So what nature does in such situations is provide the land and human population with an amount of water which is only just adequate while the rest of water is diverted into rivers. Man has made use of this principle of diversion in the building of dams. Whenever there appears to be surplus water, the excess amount is channelled off in another direction. This water then flows into a large pool, or reservoir. [Highlight1] This principle of diversion should also be applied to human society. If one lives with others one is bound to have cause for complaint against them from time to time. Conflict can be avoided only if one finds an outlet for one's excess emotion. This is the function that faith in God and the Hereafter performs. The Prophet Joseph had been separated from his father by his half-brothers. It was quite natural that Joseph's father, Jacob, should have been thrown into a profound emotional crisis by these events. Instead of complaining against Joseph's half-brothers, he turned the flood of his emotions towards God. "I address my sorrow and sadness to God alone," Jacob said. (Quran, 12:85). Human society is deeply indebted to faith in the Hereafter for this function that it performs. Faith in God enables one to turn to Him for recompense in times of grievance. A man of God does not make others the target of his negative feelings.
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