The estimated number of stars in the universe is 100 octillion or 10 to the power 29. The number of planets in the universe is around 10 to the power 24. These numerous stars and planets are…
We are not the designers of this world. This world was designed by a Mind far superior to ours. Therefore, we must follow the scheme of things as conceived of in the mind of the Designer. Our plans…
During a visit to the US in June 2011, I was invited to an American church in Philadelphia to deliver a lecture on the importance of peace. When I had completed my address, a Christian scholar asked…
Violence is a remnant of the culture of primitive society. In the early ages people knew only one way of settling their affairs—that of violence. It is said that at some point in the Stone Age two…
In ancient times, ambitious people had only one arena in which to fulfil their ambitions—the battlefield. But the modern age has seen a sea-change in this regard. Now we are living in the age of…
Literally meaning the greatest good, summum bonum is an end in itself and at the same time contains all other goods. What, in practice, is the summum bonum? People have different opinions on this.…
The very word Islam (from the Arabic silm) implies peace, and all the teachings of Islam are based directly or indirectly on this principle. There are traditions of the Prophet that say that ‘Peace…
The Speaking Tree | November 15, 2023
Palestine is the holy site of three major Abrahamic religions. For the Jews, Palestine is the ‘Promised Land’ as mentioned in the Bible. Christiansregard this…
Soulveda | May 16, 2022
जीवन में सकारात्मक मानसिक विचारों से ही शांति का माहौल विकसित होता है। वहीं, मन में नकारात्मक विचार हिंसा को जन्म देते हैं। किसी सभ्य समाज में शांति स्वाभाविक स्थिति होती है…