We are often told that we should always remain hopeful. How different is this state of positive hopefulness from having false hopes? How can we differentiate between the two?

The difference between the two is noticeable. True hope is based on reality, while false hopes are based on unreal romanticism. When you examine the situation and adopt a well-considered position, you have the right to be hopeful, but when you ignore the realities and adopt the posture of the ostrich, then you are entertaining false hopes.

If one keeps patience and tolerance in the face of loss, one saves oneself from losing balance. Despite a temporary setback, one can still retain the ability to view things in a balanced and pragmatic way and make new life plans. Forgetting what one has lost, one can carry on with one’s purpose in life based on what one still has. One saves oneself from hopelessness and can surge ahead in life with wisdom.



The Speaking Tree | Sunday, August 15, 2010

The difference between the two is very clear. True hope is based on reality, while false hope is based on sheer romanticism. When you examine a situation and take a realistic view of things, you have the right to be hopeful, but when you ignore the realities and adopt an ostrich-like approach, then, you are entertaining false hopes.


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