In the first chapter of the Quran, the ‘straight path’ of guidance is the ‘straight path’ of individual and personal life. Moreover, the ‘straight path’ referred to in the chapter ‘Victory’ is the path of peace and harmony. In other words, it is the ‘straight path’ of social living.

According to the Quran, the entire Universe is functioning under a set of laws established by God and does not deviate from these laws even one little bit. “The sun does not overtake the moon, nor can the night outpace the day; each floats in [its own] orbit.” (THE QURAN 36: 40). As the Universe is under God’s stringent and compulsive laws, it can only exhibit a predictable nature. On the other hand, God has bestowed man with free will, the misuse of which results in violence and conflict in the human world. In order to control this violence and conflict in the human world, the Quran gives guidance referred to as the ‘straight path’.



According to the Quran God has laid down a set path for the entire universe—even for so small a creature as the bee (16:68-69)—a path which every part of the universe must strictly follow: “Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come obedient” (41:11).

Just as it is imperative that all things of the universe move on the path appointed by God, so that they may be perfect in their functioning, so also must man—if he aspires to success—submissively follow the divinely appointed path (16:69). But, as man is “on trial” in this world, he has not just been told the path he must follow, but has also been given the license to hold to it, or to reject it as he sees fit, “Lo, we have shown him the way, whether he be grateful or disbelieving”(76:3). Even so, once God has shown man the straight path, he ought to follow it in the belief that it is the only way that leads to success: “How should we not put our trust in God when He hath shown us our ways? ... In God let the trusting put their trust.”(14:12) If man, influenced by some fleeting temptation, strays in some other direction, he will lose his foothold on God’s path; and when he loses that, he will meet with nothing but failure in this life (6:154).

A man remains a human being in the eyes of God only so long as he remains on the straight path. One who deviates from it, descends to the level of an animal.

‘Who is more rightly guided? He that goes grovelling on his face, or he that walks upright along a straight path’?

‘Say: “It is He who has created you and given you ears and eyes and hearts. Yet you are seldom thankful” (67:22-23).

Thus we learn from the Quran that following the straight path means living the kind of life in which we make use of the powers of the intellect and the heart. Now, what is special about these powers? Their speciality lies in their expressing the superiority of man over other creatures; it is these powers which raise him from the level of mere existence to that of the moral human being.

Source: Al Risala June 1990

In this world when a person sets out on journey, he finds two paths, one leading to God and the other path to different destinations. Now the way of the true seeker of God is to take extra care to adhere strictly to the path of God, without ever turning off it. One who adheres to the straight path leading towards God will without doubt reach God. On the other hand one who turns off at every bye-lane will be lost on the way. His path will never lead him towards God.

What this deviation means is that he has become subservient to his desires attaching importance to immediate interests; he has fallen prey to negative feelings such as anger, hatred, jealousy, egoism, etc.; or he has simply run in any direction he finds open before him, without giving his destination much thought.

On the other hand, the God-oriented path is one on which he earnestly considers God’s commands. He sets his course after serious deliberation, on the basis of accountability, instead of pursuing immediate gains or temporary satisfaction.

The goal of Islam is to induce man to give up his ungodly ways, so that he may lead a totally God oriented life, another name for which is the straight path. One as yet untouched by Islam directs his attention towards things and beings other than God. That is, he is concerned with creation rather than the Creator. Islam shows him how to focus his thoughts and feelings on God alone. When man adopts a path directed to a certain destination, he considers it necessary to keep to that path without turning to the left or the right. For if he makes constant detours, he will fail to reach his destination. The same is the case with man’s journey towards his Maker.

Source: Principles of Islam

Man has been granted the power of hearing, seeing and thinking, so that by using these faculties, he may discover the right path for himself—what is referred to in the Quran as ‘the straight path’ (sirat-e-mustaqim). Deviation from the straight path is a proof of the fact that he did not make proper use of the capabilities granted to him by God. Such a man will be held accountable by God. No excuse whatsoever will be accepted by Him. (30: 57)

Moreover, an important principle of human life is avoidance of arrogance. In this regard the Quran says: “Do not walk with pride on the earth; for behold, God does not love arrogant and boastful people.” (31:18)

This verse of the Quran gives us to understand that arrogance is the source of all evil. By contrast, modesty is the greatest source of all good. According to the Quran, the kind of man desired by God is one who is totally free of arrogance and is a modest person in the full sense.

In the chapter al-Fajr of the Quran, we are told that all the pleasant or unpleasant experiences faced by man occur solely as a means of putting him to the test, but man takes such incidents in a negative manner. Having pleasant experiences causes him to suffer from a superiority complex (akraman), whereas unpleasant experiences give him an inferiority complex (ahanan). (89: 15-16)

According to the Quran, both the above mentioned complexes affect man in an extremely adverse way. The right thing for him to do is that in both sets of circumstances, pleasant or unpleasant, he should consistently tread the path of moderation. Those who prove to be moderate in personality and conduct are described in the Quran as souls at peace (nafs al-muthmainnah) (89: 27), that is, complex-free souls.

According to the Quran, the kind of man desired by God is one who is totally free of arrogance and is a modest person in the full sense. The Quran tells us that the greatest success for man is his gaining entry into Paradise in the eternal life after death. “Truly, this is a great victory! It is for the like of this that all should strive.”(37: 60-61). This is a clear indication that, according to the Quran, man’s goal should be one and only one, and that is, Paradise. The greatest feature of Paradise is that it is the realm of the Lord of the universe. And without doubt, there can be no success greater than finding oneself in close proximity to one’s Lord in the eternal life after death. This unique desirability of Paradise is expressed in this verse of the Quran which gives voice to a sincere and heartfelt human longing: “My Lord, build me a house in nearness to You in Paradise.”

Source: Spirit of Islam December 016


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