Ernest Psichari (1883-1914), a French writer, was in his youth a free-thinker and an atheist. But later he reverted to Christianity. Grandson of the famous historian, Ernest Renan, Psichari is ranked…
Nature is a storehouse of learning for those who wish to learn. If we do not take it for granted and learn to look at it consciously as our teacher we will benefit tremendously from the silent…
The source of the realization of God is, in the words of the Quran, reflection (tafakkur and tadabbur) The Quran, 3:191; 4:82. The attainment of God-realization by contemplation is entirely a…
Itikaf is the Islamic practice of staying in the mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to worship, and staying away from worldly affairs.
One kind of itikaf is that which is…
The Sunday Guardian | May 28, 2023
In Chapter 29 of the Quran, there is a verse which says: “We will surely guide in Our ways, those who strive hard for Our cause, God is surely with the righteous…