Islam Encourages Full Freedom of Expression

Religious freedom is the basic human right whose violation has caused conflicts, wars and bloodshed in both ancient and modern societies. The Quran therefore has declared for the first time in human history, that ‘there shall be no coercion in matters of religion.’ (THE QURAN 2: 256).

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God created Adam. Adam was the first human being. God proclaimed that humans will have the position of khalifah on earth. Khalifah means one who is incharge of the earth. He will have complete freedom of action. The angels objected to this and raised their doubt. They said: Copy arabic text (Quran 2.30) Why are You settling humans on earth when they will spread anarchy and bloodshed? The angels expressed their dissent. This was the first incident of difference of opinion. 
What happened then? This was direct dissent from God's scheme of things. God did not say that you don’t know anything. God could have destroyed them. 
The Quran says about God: copy arabic text (2.117)

He would have destroyed all the angels. But what did God do? He presented His reason. He tried to satisfy the angels through reason. What does this mean? At the time of the birth of human beings, God Himself set the example that showed humans have complete freedom of expression. They will have the right to express their difference of opinion. If a person is not in agreement with another, he must not kill him. It is his right to present his argument and convince the other person. But there is nothing else he can do. In Islam, there is complete freedom to express one's differences. No one can abolish this freedom. If you have disagreement, you can present your reasoning and logic. Why? This is not a simple matter. 
God created humans so that they be can be tested. Copy Arabic text (67.2)

The Quran says repeatedly that the purpose of human creation is that he be tested. This planet is a testing ground for us. Freedom is a must for taking a test. No freedom means no test. According to God's creation plan, humans will surely have full freedom. If you take away this freedom, there will be no test. If a person's hands and feet are tied, his tongue is silenced and his free thinking is curbed, then there is no meaning in taking his test. Freedom of expression is undoubtedly in accordance with Islam. This is an absolute right of every man and woman. There is only one condition. A person must not be harmful for others. 

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