Self Control in Moments of Anger

Anger is one of the major things that could cause a relationship to go sour. Anger stokes a quarrel, which, if pursued, leads to personal dislike, and finally, to full-fledged hatred. Hatred eventually leads to evil. In any relationship, any trouble is exacerbated by anger. Anger is a natural phenomenon, and the only solution is to control it. Anger in itself is not evil. It becomes evil when it is allowed to spin out of control and affect people’s lives. Rage is an undesirable reaction to a temporary provocation. It is much like a fire that flares up for a short while and then dies down for lack of fuel. If we understand this, anger will not result in any serious disharmony.

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I said to a person: In this world, don’t get provoked. Don’t live as an emotional person. Adopt patience. 
He replied: Till when should we remain patient?
I explained to him: Be patient till the very end of your life. Everyday there is prayer at the mosque. What do you do?You listen to the call and go to the mosque to offer prayer. 
Have you ever asked: Till when should I pray?
You listen to the call to prayer daily and go to the mosque for prayer. You never question yourself: Till when should I continue to pray?
This is because you consider prayer as obligatory in Islam. In the same way, patience is also obligatory. If you are in a normal situation, you don’t have problems due to anyone and don’t get provoked, then this is a normal situation. If you behave properly in this situation, there is reward for it. Greater reward is when you are provoked and you develop negative thoughts, but still you control yourself. There is great reward for this. This is called patience. 
The Quran says about such people: Copy arabic text (3:134)

A believer is one who restrains his anger. 
The Quran does not say a believer does not get angry. It says a believer restrains his anger. This means a true believer also gets angry. He is not without anger. But he controls his anger. He does not express his anger. You will definitely get angry. But you have to control your anger. A believer is one who has self-control over his behaviour. This is faith, piety and self-controlled behaviour. 

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